Friday, April 16, 2010

First is the Title tag, the title tag is extremely important and a large part of the success that you receive will depend on your title tag. Each keyword found in the title tag will be bolded, it is also important to draw attention to your ad and separate it from the competition. You will notice that the majority of ads are the same (having the exact keyword listed as the title) you do not want to create an ad that is the same as everyone else you want an appealing ad that separates your ad from the competition


Title tag basics

* Capitalize the first letter of each word example: Cheap Tennis Shoes (not cheap tennis shoes)
* Use keywords that you are bidding for
* Keep it interesting

The description is also extremely important; all keywords searched for that are found in your description will also be bolded. The description tag should say exactly what your website is in just a few short words. Make sure you keep it interesting so the user wants to click on the ad and go to your site

Description basics

* Don’t capitalize the first letter of each word
* Use keywords
* Should describe your entire business
* Drives the searcher to click on your ad

Friday, April 9, 2010

After everything is setup and running possibly the most important step is reviewing all keywords every 2 weeks to a month to see how things are going and make potential corrections. In this step it is important to have a quality ad tracker to ensure reliable data in order to make educated decisions.

The frequency of checking your ad tracker depends on how many clicks are being made, the more clicks and conversions that are recorded the more reliable the information. It is important to not make immediate decisions but to wait until you have sufficient information. A bad example would be after your first conversion comes through to assume that the keyword that generated the actual sale is the only good keyword when in reality it could have been luck. Make sure you have enough data to make an educated decision.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Next is the landing page selected, a major error is always selecting your home page as the landing page. The user does not always want to see your home page another page on your website is likely to produce a higher conversion rate. A good example is tennis shoes if you send all users to your home page which is in fact about everything that is about tennis equipment you will likely have a lower conversion rate than if you sent that same user to your page on tennis shoes. It is also a good idea to try split-testing in order to know exactly which landing page is best.

This is the step that you will want to implement a great ad tracker tool to start collecting as much data as you can that will mean life or death to your PPC campaign.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Next it is important to keep in mind your end goal, which should be sales or to generate a profit. A common error is to have your end goal as traffic. Keep in mind that you can always drive a lot of traffic to your site without making any money. Traffic does not mean success; making money means success or should mean success. Just keep this in mind while we are heading into the other steps to succeed with PPC advertising.

The effects of having an incorrect goal can be devastating an example is buying 100,000 guaranteed visitors from Ebay or any website that promises a high volume of traffic. However, what is not known is that this company has an ‘auto-page-generator’ loaded on 100,000 computers that will wiz right past your site and another 10,000 websites in a short period of time. All that traffic does not even look at your website and will never buy anything in a million years, your website received 100,000 visitors however no sales were made and in the end it was a horrible investment. A great example of high-quality traffic is advertising through search engines, you may only receive 50 clicks in a day in comparison to the 100,000 however you will receive several sales and make money.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I will be covering in a eight part series with everything from starting a PPC campaign to succeeding with PPC advertising. In this first part of my eight part series I will be covering how to find keywords and what type of keywords you want to have.

A great tool that I have always used to do keyword research is a Google Adwords Keyword tool with this tool you can type in all of the keyword that you can think of in your industry. Type in every keyword you could possibly imagine into the white box in the middle of the screen. For example if your website sells advertising books you would type in advertising book, PPC advertising, advertising 101 book, advertising, online advertising and everything else that you can think of that has to do with your business. You want as many keywords as possible that have to do with your company so make sure you do not eliminate keywords in this step but add as many as possible.

To find more relevant keywords they are normally a few words long. Quality traffic normally comes from highly relevant keywords to your industry. For an advertising book for example a very relevant keyword may be ‘buy advertising book’ it will not receive a very high traffic flow however the traffic that does come will be extremely high quality traffic at a low cost.

Next after entering in every keyword phrase that you can think of that you can think of click on get keyword ideas. Google will then generate a list of keyword ideas and how often they are searched for. You will want to export this file to an excel file for future use (found in the middle of the page).

After downloading your keywords into an excel file (could be as large as several hundred keywords). You will want to separate your keywords into many different groups, keep in mind that more groups is better than less groups. The keyword groups should be a list of related keyword. The keyword groups that you put together now will display the same ads so make sure they are similar to one another. An extremely large number of groups could be hard to manage and too few groups will also hinder your PPC campaign. An example of a few groups would be advertising books, books, buy advertising books, online advertising and marketing book.

Save your excel file with your keyword groups and store it away for future use. The 2nd part of my 8 part series will cover which search engines you should sign up for, which should be avoided and what your search engine goal should be.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Homework is something that takes up a lot of time. I defiantly have a lot more of it this semester than any semester that i have had before. I believe that the reason behind it is my classes. I am writing papers all week long, every week. I am getting sick of writing; however, i believe that in the end of the semester my writing will have improved dramatically so i guess in the end i am great full.
Thank you writing assignments.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

GE's at BYU

I am taking Bio 100 from John Bell. He is an amazing teaching. In fact, most of the time that i am in his class it is extreemly interesting. The reason it is interesting is because he talks about topic that are relevant to our lives and what we need to focus on. The class seems like it is geared to our learning and our improvement in our daily lives. I am glad for this class. This class also has taught me a lot of needed information about Biology. By writting papers and doing research I have realized that i am retaining the information in the long term and that i am actually remembering what we are studying in class. Sure, some of the information is boring sometimes; but, i remember all of the information presented.
I believe that all GE's at BYU should be alike.